Panzerjager da 37 mm su chenillette renault
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Фото Renault UE Chenillette - Wikipedia Видео Похожие статьи
Chenillette Renault UE. 25 mm SA 37 APX. Marder I Lorraine Schlepper. Panzerjager 38(t) cm PaK 36(r).
The Renault UE Chenillette was a light tracked armoured carrier and prime mover produced by France between and In the French Infantry decided to develop a light armoured vehicle able to tow and supply small cannon and mortars.

массовый, но далеко не самый удачную Chenillette Modele 31 (у нас эту машину принято именовать танкеткой Renault UE). Разработка этой САУ, носившей название cm Pak oder (f) auf Panzerjager Lorraine-S (f), носило больше.
Original Designation: M3 General Stuart. Танкетка Renault UE в составе Вермахта. А до этого времени недостающее количество транспортеров компенсировали выпуском улучшенного Renault UE 2. A second prototype, fitted with a rubber track, was tested between 28 April and 12 May.
RENAULT UE CHENILLETTE - Quartermaster Section
The Renault UE Chenillette was a light tracked armoured carrier and prime mover produced by France between and In the French Infantry decided to develop a light armoured vehicle able to tow and supply small cannon and mortars.
In the Renault company was given the contract for production of its Renault UE, combined with the Renault UK trailer. In , from a number of competitors, the Renault UE2 was chosen as an improved type for large-scale production. Of both types combined over five thousand were built, including licence production in Romania , and they were part of the standard equipment of all French infantry divisions.

Most Renault UE vehicles in French service were unarmed; those in captured by Germany were used for a variety of purposes, including being armed with machine-guns, antitank-guns and rocket artillery. Since it had been the policy of the French Infantry to mechanise as many units as possible. Budgetary restraints made it unrealistic to fully equip them with armoured personnel carriers ; but the mass production of smaller armoured vehicles in the roles of munition and supply carrier and weapon carrier for machine guns and mortars seemed feasible.
For some years the decision to produce these types was delayed, but after in an experiment with an automotive trailer guided by a walking soldier had completely failed, it was decided to develop a single vehicle for both missions. In the spring of several possibilities were considered, among them a standard 3. On 24 July the Commission de Vincennes rejected the truck and half-tracks as being too heavy and opted after some satisfactory testing for the smaller weapon carrier of the Vickers type.

On 7 October it was decided to develop such a vehicle under the name of Type N. Renault however indicated he had no intention to pay licence rights, unless the French state would fully compensate him; the three companies were thus invited to build a "similar" vehicle, not an exact copy. The orders were for armoured tractors and matching tracked trailers and for a heavier trailer to carry again the tractor, to be pulled by a truck while the smaller trailer trailed behind.
In the summer of the prototypes were ready for trials. Only the nose of the vehicle was armoured. It was presented to the Commission de Vincennes on 24 July and tested till 29 July. On 31 July the other two half-tracks were delivered together with the first two trailers. On 10 and 17 December Brandt had obtained an order for six complete sets: tractor, trailer and tractor-carrying trailer. To honour its commitments to Vickers, it let the trailers and one tractor be built in Britain.
To conform to the idea of production in France, Brandt delegated the task to build a new tractor type to the Latil company, as it had too little experience itself. The Latil prototype, presented on 7 August was very much on lines of the British type and strongly resembled the later Universal Carrier : fully tracked and with most of the vehicle covered by an open rectangular superstructure to ensure as large a carrying capacity as possible.

On 17 July the commission considered the type ready for troop trials. The first prototype to be ready was that of Renault, that also had received orders for six sets. It was tested between 15 and 23 April Certain defects were found and remedied, after which the prototype was again tested from 3 June.
A second prototype, fitted with a rubber track, was tested between 28 April and 12 May. This other track type was shown to be too weak. The project had as factory designation Renault UE , a chronological letter code without further meaning; the smaller trailer was the Renault UK.